Resources for the global digital safety training community.
Last Updated 2017-06This exercise provides a useful way for participants to know each other’s thoughts on specific issues, by creating a live “spectrum” of opinion in the training space.
The content for this exercise was developed by Mariel Garcia (SocialTIC) and Spyros Monastiriotis (Tactical Technology Collective)
Step 1 | Begin by indicating for the group where the two ends of the Spectrogram “spectrum” are located – if using an indoor space, these can be opposite ends of a room; for an outdoor space, it could be two trees, walls or other points.
Step 2 | Explain that each of the two ends represents a general opinion – indicate that one end will represent “Strongly Agree” and the other will represent “Strongly Disagree”.
Step 3 | Now, explain how the exercise will work – you will read out a statement (it is important that these be phrased as statements and not questions), and then repeat it; then, participants will arrange themselves along the “Strongly Agree – Strongly Disagree” spectrum in a way that represents how strongly they feel about the statement you’ve just read.
Step 4 | Remind participants that they don’t need to choose only one end of the spectrum or the other; they can stand at the exact middle point if they are undecided on their opinion, or they can stand along any other point that indicates the extent to which they Agree or Disagree with the statement.
Step 5 | In this Spectrogram, you will be reading aloud several statements related to digital security and women’s online experiences – here below are examples of statements you can use:
Step 6 | After participants have arranged themselves following a statement, ask 2-3 participants why they chose to stand where they are, as this can make for interesting discussions.
Step 7 | You can also tell participants that if, after hearing someone’s explanation, they decide that they’ve changed their opinion, they can move to a different spot on the spectrum if they want – be sure to ask why they decided to move!